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PUBLISHED: 18 / September 2024




Our vision here at Hunter Drama, the very reason we exist, is to change the future by inspiring young people to be the best versions of themselves and to train the next generation of entertainment industry leaders. So, there is nothing more exciting for us than to see our students shine. The forthcoming production of Disney’s Mary Poppins, features a number of our students and staff and we couldn’t be more proud.

Mary Poppins will fly onto the Civic Theatre stage on October 5 and dance through until October 20 in all its supercalifragilisticexpialidocious glory. Sharing the role of Jane Banks are Neave Paine, 11 years old and Sienna Collins, also 11 years old. Neave has been with Hunter Drama since 2021 and her theatrical credits include School Of Rock: The Musical (Hunter Drama), The Jungle Book (Hunter Drama), Superstars (Very Pop), Kid Frankenstein (Hunter Drama), Finding Nemo Jr (Hunter Drama), Madagascar Jr (HSPA), Starstruck 2023 and 2024. Sienna joined Hunter Drama this year and her theatrical credits include School Of Rock: The Musical (Hunter Drama), Billy Elliot (Very Pop), Superstars (Very Pop), and Starstruck.

Neave has said that she was ecstatic when she found out she won the role of Jane, she did not expect to even have a chance, and just thought the experience of auditioning for such a professional production would be amazing.

Sienna shared Neave’s excitement. “I couldn’t really believe it when I got the role,” said Sienna. “I was a little nervous. I have learnt good tips and tricks on learning lines from some of the cast, and also to enjoy it all even when it’s hard work. The rehearsals have been really fun. I love working with the whole cast and enjoy learning from the adults.”

Sharing the role of Michael Banks are Reilly Mitchison, 11 years old and Elliot Williams, 12 years old. Both boys have been with Hunter Drama since 2022. Reilly’s theatrical credits include School Of Rock: The Musical (Hunter Drama), Finding Nemo Jr (Hunter Drama), The Jungle Book (Hunter Drama) and Superstars (Very Pop). Elliot’s theatrical credits include The Jungle Book (Hunter Drama), and Finding Nemo Jr (Hunter Drama).

The boys share the excitement of their onstage sisters and are appreciative of the opportunity to work with adult professionals. “Some of the best parts are walking into my rehearsals and being met by all the kind and supportive cast and crew, said Reilly. “Of course I am tired after each rehearsal but I walk out of the studio knowing that I’ve done a good job.”

Elliot agrees that the rehearsal process has been fun but challenging. “Picking up the choreography and blocking has been the hardest part for me,” said Elliot. “I have loved meeting new people and learning from the other performers. It’s been a great learning experience for me. It has helped me get better at singing, dancing and acting through rehearsing scenes, blocking, learning my lines and singing.”

Joining Neave, Sienna, Reilly and Elliot on stage are Hunter Drama students Joel Evans, Chloe Hilkemeijer, Sophie Schofield and Wade Neilsen who have all been cast in the ensemble along with Hunter Drama tutors Brooke Lidbury and Imogen Downing-Donnelly.

All the Hunter Drama students are understandably excited to have been cast and talk about how much they are learning through the process.

Sophie Schofield, who plays multiple roles including the bank clerk, park stroller, kite flyer, customer, sweep, and star catcher says, “I have learnt so much from my cast mates and directors about good work ethics, and connecting to the character I’m playing. I play multiple characters in the show, and we have been working hard to make sure each character is unique and different from the last. This is something I feel has helped me heaps as a story teller.”

The students are also unanimous in their appreciation of the skills they have learnt through Hunter Drama.

“Through the years that I have attended Hunter Drama I have learnt many skills such as how to complete an audition effectively, and many performance and professionalism skills that I am able to use on a daily basis,” said Joel.

Chloe agrees, saying, “The Hunter Drama musical theatre classes have taught me how to prepare for auditions and have expanded my singing, dancing and acting skills. I feel really lucky that Newcastle has such a great drama school that can give kids with a passion for performing arts a place to learn.”

And passion is another thing that all these young Hunter Drama students share, along with a desire to build a future that includes performing on stage.

As Wade puts it, “I would absolutely love to be a professional performer – that’s a big dream of mine that I’ve had for a long time, so to be able to do that would be a dream come true.”

Every one of these young people are well on the path.